40-Day Transformations

40-Day Transformations

I'm taking you behind the scenes on a project I've envisioned in stages over the past 18+ years . . . and now you get to be part of the journey!

Our 40-Day Transformations will be video series you can watch on your phone while you wait for class to start. Each video will be about 5 minutes long and give you something to work on during class.

It’s an easy way to grow, as a yogi and in your soul!

The programs are designed so that if you come to class 3 times per week, you’ll finish in 40 days. Every 40 days you can progress to the next in the series or choose a new topic. 

Imagine who you’ll be in a year! 

That said, all of this is optional. If you want to just enjoy class and do your own thing - totally fine! You are welcome in all of our classes and there’s no pressure at all to participate in the Transformations.

Though it's recommended, it's not required that you come 3x/week. Don't not do something life-changing just because you can't be perfect at it! We'll start where you are and help you do what you can!

Yoga? Mental health? Weight loss? Let’s see which one you want to do first!


PS - Elements of this are the idea I've had since elementary school, that I mentioned in my story.