Story of 40 Days @ YBJ

Story of
40 Days @ YBJ

What if you really can be the ideal version of yourself?
What if you really
can build the life of our dreams?

Those are the questions I dared to ask.

They were the knowings I dared to believe.

I never intended to open a yoga studio.

I just wanted ALL of my life to be ENTIRELY of service.
My aim in life was complete non-attachment . . .

Yet I knew in my soul it would somehow manifest as everything I always dreamed.

I heard something just over 80 days before opening my first studio: 

“It takes 21 days to form a habit, but 40 days for transformation to occur.”

I LOVED that. LOVED the idea of transformation.

I didn’t care who came up with the 40 days idea or how, I just knew that if I subscribed to it . . .

I and my life would transform.

What if you really can be the ideal version of yourself?

What if you really
can build the life of our dreams?

Those are the questions I dared to ask.

They were the knowings I dared to believe.

I never intended to open a yoga studio.

I just wanted ALL of my life to be ENTIRELY of service.

My aim in life was complete non-attachment . . .

Yet I knew in my soul it would somehow manifest as everything I always dreamed.

I heard something just over 80 days before opening my first studio: 

“It takes 21 days to form a habit, but 40 days for transformation to occur.”

I LOVED that. LOVED the idea of transformation.

I didn’t care who came up with the 40 days idea or how, I just knew that if I subscribed to it . . .

I and my life would transform.

Suddenly I saw 40-day periods as building blocks.

I could focus on a single topic for 40 days, get the transformation, and then pick a new topic the next 40 days. Each 40-day block would build upon the next until I had built whatever I wanted.

That was my theory.

I didn’t see how it could not work.

And I was right.

One 40-day block at a time, I have become the exact person I wanted to be, with the exact life I wanted to live, healed even more than I was before I was broken, and constantly inspired as I live out my purpose.

This is entirely possible for you, too.

This 40-day method is so easy and so predictable that anyone can use it to get the same results for themselves.

Yoga is a big part of it. Yoga gives the framework, the focus, the many tools you need to carry out this method.

Within a few months of opening my first studio, I saw future studios full of inspired yogis all building their best lives, one 40-day block and yoga class at a time.

Though we've done versions of the 40-Day Transformations at the studio since I opened in January 2012, I waited to bring the full vision to life because it’s a lifelong project and there were other things I wanted to do first.

But now it’s time.

Come with me. Let’s custom-design.

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